LogoLounge book 11 features 3 of my logos
"Congratulations on having your hard work selected for LogoLounge Book 1! There were literally tens of thousands of logos that were juried in the selection process, and you made it!" Logos
My most popular dribbble shots / logos in 2018
I invite you to check the most popular dribbble logos uploaded in 2018 to my profile. If you want to see more of my recent projects here's my Dribbble profile: dribbble.com/alextass Projects
dribbble 100k Club
I am happy and proud to be one of the first 50 designers to get over 100k likes on dribbble. For this special occasion the team over at dribbble arranged a
LogoLounge 2018 Logo Trends Report features Mind Heroes
I am very happy and honored to share with you that my Mind Heroes logo design symbol was included in the 2018 edition of LogoLounge Logo Trends Report "It's important to
My most popular dribbble shots / logos in 2017
I invite you to check the most popular dribbble logos uploaded in 2017 to my profile. If you want to see more of my recent projects here's my Dribbble profile: dribbble.com/alextass Shots
10 years, 100 logo design projects
Hello, this year I am celebrating 10 years since I have started to work as a graphic designer. 8 of these years I have discovered, explored and focused on logo