Logopond Featured Designer, December 2016
I discovered and joined Logopond in 2008. It seemed like a nice community focused on logo design where graphic designers from all over the world were uploading their latest projects while also giving feedback on others’ works.
About one year later I got the courage to upload my first logos and I must say that this was a very big and important step in my evolution as a designer and even as a person. I have received many comments and advice that helped me understand some of the mistakes that I was making and to learn how I could improve my process and line of work. As any critique, it was not always easy to comprehend and accept some of the received observations. While some of them were on point and very strongly argumented, some others were perhaps more subjective, but also useful to see and understand how others would regard or imagine a result, and they all contributed in their way to what I stand for today, to the many projects and uploads shared on my Logopond showcase and online portfolio profiles.
It was also interesting and inspiring to see what other designers were working on, their approach on various logo design ideas created both for real clients and simple explorations done for fun.
In time I have noticed that there was a group that was more active, as I assume that it happens in each community. A group that was nice to meet later on various other portfolio websites and even on social media. 8 years later I still follow their works and their projects and we still comment occasionally on our new works and uploads.
In all these years I had the chance to talk, exchange ideas, even to start projects together and collaborate with some of the designers from Logopond. I also had the chance to meet a few of them in person and to remain close friends.
I am sharing all these details because Logopond was and still is an important ledge on my path, evolution and career. I say ‘was’ because in the recent years things somehow changed, both for me and for the community. Similar websites appeared and while we evolved I assumed that we found less and less time to upload and stay active and involved. I use ‘is’ because despite the current situation I still connect with it when I get the chance, I still upload projects and I also see fellow designers still doing it. There is a long conversation about a new version of the website coming soon and we are all looking forward to it hoping that it will be easy again to embrace and use it.
8 years later since I have joined this community, my Logopond showcase contains 824 logos, 43 of them being featured in the main gallery. Today I am proud to see and share with you that I am the Featured Designer of the month! 😀 A feature that means a lot to me since I have grown with the help of this community that has so many designers that I have looked up to for so many years and that I still follow and respect today as well.
I would like to encourage young aspiring designers to join such communities, to stay active, to offer and receive critiques and to grow together and I hope that my story will inspire them to do so.
Thank you Logopond, thank you dear friends!
PS. Visit my Logopond logofolio showcase at https://logopond.com/members/profile/showcase/11798